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Funhead - motorbike helmet concept design. Product design. Creative helmets design. Created by Eclectic M Studio.

Funheads - motorbike helmets concept design.

Unifying two things with the same shape, but different purpose is really challenging and at the same time rewarding. As a result, the two things turn into something extraordinary and fascinating. Nowadays most of the helmets are designed with graphic patterns (stripes, circle) or handmade aerography. In our experiment we have used the printed images of spherical objects. The image has been laid on the helmet surface and….Bingo! The usual helmet has disappeared and the person is wearing a globe, a tennis ball or a much bigger head.

In our opinion, such a change will make its owner very happy and surely provoke a big smile among the passers-by. We can add a personal touch to the helmet by exaggerating the helmet owner’s own head image. As soon as we can provide this service to everyone willing to have this type of helmets, our aim to change a usual object into something extraordinary can be considered achieved.

Idea & Concept
3D Modeling

Idea & design by
Igor Mitin

Funhead - motorbike helmet concept design. Product design. Creative helmets design. Created by Eclectic M Studio.

Funhead - motorbike helmet concept design. Product design. Creative helmets design. Created by Eclectic M Studio.

Funhead - motorbike helmet concept design. Product design. Creative helmets design. Created by Eclectic M Studio.

Funhead - motorbike helmet concept design. Product design. Creative helmets design. Created by Eclectic M Studio.


Funhead - motorbike helmet concept design. Product design. Creative helmets design. Created by Eclectic M Studio.

Funhead - motorbike helmet concept design. Product design. Creative helmets design. Created by Eclectic M Studio.

Funhead - motorbike helmet concept design. Product design. Creative helmets design. Created by Eclectic M Studio.

Funhead - motorbike helmet concept design. Product design. Creative helmets design. Created by Eclectic M Studio.

Funhead - motorbike helmet concept design. Product design. Creative helmets design. Created by Eclectic M Studio.

Funhead - motorbike helmet concept design. Product design. Creative helmets design. Created by Eclectic M Studio.

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